Category Archives: Exhibitions

Museums in Arabia – Wadi al Helo

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As part of the conference Museums in Arabia held at King’s College in London, I have presented a collaborative project Wadi al Helo as a case study of a prototype for using VR technologies for virtual visits to sites of cultural heritage. The presentation was well received and conference attendees had an opportunity to test the prototype in a small-scale setup format.






Storytelling in VR – Wadi Al Helo


Wadi al Helo, arabic for sweet valley, is located in the eastern area of the Emirate of Sharjah. The valley with its historic village and several watchtowers plays an important role in the history of the Emirate, and as a cultural heritage site for the whole United Arab Emirates. As part of ‘Sharjah’s Gateway to Trucial States’ project (SGTS) the site is part of Sharjah’s bid to be included with seven more emirate cultural heritage sites on the prestigious list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

The Wadi Al Helo project is a collaborative research project between the American University of Sharjah (College of Architecture, Art and Design), University of the Arts Berlin (Germany), and New York Universities NTSI Lab initiated by Prof. Zlatan Filipovic with the goal to develop several installations that feature the stories of the valley using different media, and to support Sharjah’s SGTS project.

Storytelling with Virtual Reality: A virtual reality (VR) application was developed by Zlatan Filipovic (AUS), Pablo Dornhege (UdK), and Felix H. Beck (NYUAD) from June–September 2018 and presented on September 25 (6–8pm) at the American University of Sharjah (Media studio: AD1-104, Small gallery: AD1-101). The showcased framework supports immersive storytelling about Wadi al Helo, featuring several historic watchtowers, the archaeological remains of a village, and the wadi itself protected by surrounding mountains. “A significant example of a naturally protected agricultural valley within mountains. It is reached through a riverbed or valley, along the caravan route, with watchtowers located at the entrance of the valley to protect from raiders. It was safe territory, allowing people to work in agriculture and export their products to coastal areas.”






54M1R / Collegium Artisticum 2016


U okviru godisnje izlozbe Collegium Artisticum predstavio sam rad 54M1R iz serije PR0570R1 5J3C4NJ4.
Alternativni proces nastanka ove panoramske fotografije fasade bivse kasarne "Marsal Tito" u Sarajevu moze se kategorisati u "slit scan" projekte.
Sadrzaj digitalno nadopunjene realnosti kreiran za ovaj rad nadopunjen je slikom i kratkom sekvencom tekstualnih sadrzaja koji u slojevima gradjenim preko inicijalne slike uspostavljaju kratku narativnu strukturu.

Naziv rada / PR0S70R1 5J3C4NJ4 – 54M1R
godina nastanka / 2015
tehnika / digitalna fotografija

AR / AURASMA digitalni kanal: zlatanf

7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H / Connectivity – Tashkeel

7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H / 2L474N F1L1P0V1C

7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H is a work from a series 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY an ongoing exploration of the technological capabilities of portable smart imaging devices and the ways in which the panoramic image contents are created. This exploration PU5HE5 an alternative method of CON7R0L of the very process of mapping the landscapes. To say that the works are created by a smartphone in the mode of a panoramic image capturing is not enough. The algorithms for image stitching are expecting a certain visual information that expects a single point perspective. That place of pushing the technology in to the UNKN0WN and UNEXP3C73D is a first step in breaking of the rules and exploring with the control of the ERR0R.
My decision is to M0V3 from the expected and map the landscapes with a constant change in the vantage point. This process of the construction of the space/place sometimes lasts even several minutes. The process of selection of the content in various planes ranging from foreground, middle and background affects the C0N57RUC710N process of stitching the image.
In a way I change my role from a passive observer of the landscape to a 5C4NNER.

PR0570R1 5JEC4NJ4 | 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY

umjetnicka galerija bosne i hercegovine
prostori sjecanja | the places of memory
PR0570R1 5JEC4NJ4 | 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY
zlatan filipovic
2L474N F1L1P0V1C

Umjetnicko/istrazivacki projekat i izlozba PR0570R1 5JEC4NJ4 | 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY autora Zlatana Filipovica, pedagoga i umjetnika iz Sarajeva donisi jedan novi opus propitivanja uloge i uticaja digitalnih tehnologija na savremeni umjetnicki izraz.
Prostor polaznih tacaka u kreiranju digitalnih panoramskih zapisa u ovoj seriji nalaze se na lokaciji Sarajeva i Sarze (Sharjah) u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.
Iako na prvi pogled panorame izgledaju sasvim realisticni prikazi pomenutih prostora odredjena doza neobicnog i drugacijeg raslojava planove ovih prostora posmatrac ubrzo pocinje da uvidja jednu novu dimenziju transformacije i popunjavanja prostora elementima koji u izvornosti poticu sa tih lokacija.

Materijalnu i staticnu dimenziju digitalnih foto radova nadopunjuje digitalni dinamicka augumentacija (AR augmented reality) komponentu rada kojij ce posjetioci moci pristupiti uz kositenje programa/aplikacije dostupne za iOS i android uredjaje. (Aurasma AR)

Digitalno nadopunjena realnost (AR) je polje koje Filipovic u svom pedagoskom i kreativnom radu vec neko vrijeme istrazuje.
U oviru izlozbe biti ce predstavljen i prototip AR monografije, projekta u razvoju a ciji je cilj kreiranje aplikacije za iOS/android uredjaje sa fokusom na predstavljanje umjetnika, galerija i institucija kulture.

digital_ia.15 / SharjahVantagePointOfView

re_manufact / SharjahVantagePointOfVIew series

By Zlatan Filipovic

Photographs in this series are products of reMediating the footage of the image based documentation. The changing vantage point, time delay between each of the photos and process of reCompositing are the parameters at play.
These are the starting elements and experimentation departs from here with a intent to create image forms questioning how does it feel to be here and now…

“… It was the end of Spring and paying another visit to the Heart of Sharjah without much planning in advance turned out to surprise me with the vibrant voices of the locals that normally stay in the cooler and more usual meeting spots like shopping malls and restaurants. It was the time of the Heritage Days Festival.
For many years I have been visiting Sharjah yet somehow always remained disconnected from the encounters with the local customs and people beyond the fragmented exposure to the acted-like scenarios of performing the memories of the Heritage.

Now I was able to take more of a neutral point and actually for the first time capture a series of short video clips that allowed me to construct these tapestry like landscapes of urban milieu interwoven with people on the street avoiding the projection of stereotypes about the foreign.

The point of view I took allowed me to move over the crowds and map the moments of the everyday and patterns people created in the open areas of the urban landscape.

Inspired and mesmerizing by the potential of slit-scan camera process I engaged alternative photo-mapping activity combining time-based imagery and image stitching algorithms to produce this Mapping of the City of Sharjah series.

Keyworkds: #TheSlitScanCameraReConsidered #Point of view, #Elevation, #DistanceYetCloseness, #TextureAndDensityOfTheSharjah, #RemappingTheCity, #PiecingThePuzzleTogether, #TapestryOfTheCity,

I dent it Y sustaining identity

ZF video work for – Sustaining Identity in Tashkeel Hub

I dent It Y sustaining identity

We live.

We adapt.

We change.

We make sub/conscious decisions on how we develop and build our own Identity.

We do this by:

Decisions of what will we engage in.

Decisions of where we reside.

And even by what we chose to leave behind…

Sometimes the small simple actions trigger the waves of memories

and bring to the surface the very core of the fabric of the Identity we have formed to be.

Little rituals and daily routines, like repetitive simple gestures of removing the snow from the staircase can become the mantras and portals to the meditative ReConnecting experience.

Experience of who we WERE, ARE and WHAT we WANT to become.

The blanks and pauses in this process of repetitive loops are equally important give us reflective space. The short pauses are filled with a sort of ReStart in our continuous routine of being.

The recoiling in contrast to the swiping action of the cleansing provides for the anticipation of removing the stacks of modifiers, modifiers that transform non-destructively the base and the foundation of our core identity, our default state.



Y ?

Y sustain ?

Y reSet ?

Y strive to stay in the default state?

Y not embrace the chance?

Y not embrace the change?



P.S> Be it sand, dust or snow particles that endlessly keep covering and altering our default identity states we should enjoy little moments of simple rituals to remember, celebrate and ReInform the key-frames of our Identity’s parametric transformations over time.

ISEA 2014 – Location

The Camp That is Not There

The Camp That is Not There

The Camp That Is Not There

The world's leading Conference and Exhibition of Electronic Art ISEA took place in the United Arab Emirates organized by Zayed University.
I produced a new body of work titled "The Camp That Is Not There" that addressed the issues of Location (the main theme of the ISEA 2014).
An augmented reality (AR) panoramic photography work showcased my relationship to the location of the, now "missing" UAE National Guard camp site that has been dislocated.

Anale crteža BiH / Mostar Gran Prix 2013

U organizaciji ULUBIHa i Centra za kulturu grada Mostara 27.12.2013. otvorena je tradicionalna godisnja izlozba “Anale ctreza BiH – Mostar Grand Prix”. Ovo je 16. po redu izlozba crteza bosanskohercegovackih autora.

Nagrade Grand Prix, Nagrada za klasicni crtez te Nagrada za eksperimentalni crtez bit ce dodjeljene i honorirane ukoliko Grad Mostar iznadje rjesenje i obezbijedi sredstva za iste.

segment rada - Grad od sunca
segment rada – Grad od sunca