U okviru godisnje izlozbe Collegium Artisticum predstavio sam rad 54M1R iz serije PR0570R1 5J3C4NJ4.
Alternativni proces nastanka ove panoramske fotografije fasade bivse kasarne "Marsal Tito" u Sarajevu moze se kategorisati u "slit scan" projekte.
Sadrzaj digitalno nadopunjene realnosti kreiran za ovaj rad nadopunjen je slikom i kratkom sekvencom tekstualnih sadrzaja koji u slojevima gradjenim preko inicijalne slike uspostavljaju kratku narativnu strukturu.
Naziv rada / PR0S70R1 5J3C4NJ4 – 54M1R
godina nastanka / 2015
tehnika / digitalna fotografija
7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H is a work from a series 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY an ongoing exploration of the technological capabilities of portable smart imaging devices and the ways in which the panoramic image contents are created. This exploration PU5HE5 an alternative method of CON7R0L of the very process of mapping the landscapes. To say that the works are created by a smartphone in the mode of a panoramic image capturing is not enough. The algorithms for image stitching are expecting a certain visual information that expects a single point perspective. That place of pushing the technology in to the UNKN0WN and UNEXP3C73D is a first step in breaking of the rules and exploring with the control of the ERR0R.
My decision is to M0V3 from the expected and map the landscapes with a constant change in the vantage point. This process of the construction of the space/place sometimes lasts even several minutes. The process of selection of the content in various planes ranging from foreground, middle and background affects the C0N57RUC710N process of stitching the image.
In a way I change my role from a passive observer of the landscape to a 5C4NNER.
U organizaciji ULUBIHa i Centra za kulturu grada Mostara 27.12.2013. otvorena je tradicionalna godisnja izlozba “Anale ctreza BiH – Mostar Grand Prix”. Ovo je 16. po redu izlozba crteza bosanskohercegovackih autora.
Nagrade Grand Prix, Nagrada za klasicni crtez te Nagrada za eksperimentalni crtez bit ce dodjeljene i honorirane ukoliko Grad Mostar iznadje rjesenje i obezbijedi sredstva za iste.
U prostorijama galerije Roman Petrović otvorena je selektivna tradicionalna izlozba udruženja likovnih umjetnika Bosne i Hercegovine ULUBIH. Na izložbi su pored četrdeserak umjetnika predstavljeni i radovi akademskih slikara Zlatana i Željka Filipovića. U prilogu nekoliko fotografija sa izložbe. Press
Izložba „Anale crteža BiH MOSTAR GRAND PRIX 2012“, je tradicionalna godišnja smotra bosanskohercegovačkog crteža. ULUBIH u saradnji sa Centrom za kulturu Mostar i pokroviteljstvom Grada Mostara priređuje jubilarno „15 Anale crteža Bosne i Hercegovine – MOSTAR GRAND PRIX 2012“
Izložba je selektivnog karaktera [Umjetnički savjet ULUBiH-a]
Otvaranje izložbe je zakazano za 14.07.2012. godine u galeriji Centra za kulturu Mostar,
Rade Bitange 13, Mostar 88000
19.00 h
After the March madness Tashkeel is preparing exciting new events and workshops!
We look forward to see you again at Tashkeel for the meet the artist night that we are planning to have on Monday 30 April at 7 pm for the finissage night of Mawtini exhibition.
Meet the artist nights are informal meetings where you get to discuss your work with artists and Tashkeel members and friends in a casual atmosphere.
A good exercise to talk about your work and also a good chance to network and chat.
All guests are welcome.
Best wishes,
Rania Ezzat رانية عزّت
Gallery Manager مدير المعرض
Selective group exhibition by the members of three associations of societies of Architecture, Fine Arts and Applied Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina traditionally opened on April 6, the day of liberation of Sarajevo in 1945. This year’s exhibition commemorates the twentieth anniversary of the recent siege of Sarajevo.
Anual awards for various categories of artistic and creative work are announced on this occasion and I am proud say that my work “The Fabric of al Bastakiya” has received the award for best new media work.
Today I am very very HAPPY 🙂
"Art challenges Technology and Technology inspires the Arts …" – John Lasseter