Tag Archives: Sharjah

7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H / Connectivity – Tashkeel

7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H / 2L474N F1L1P0V1C

7H47 U5ED 70 BE 4 P47H is a work from a series 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY an ongoing exploration of the technological capabilities of portable smart imaging devices and the ways in which the panoramic image contents are created. This exploration PU5HE5 an alternative method of CON7R0L of the very process of mapping the landscapes. To say that the works are created by a smartphone in the mode of a panoramic image capturing is not enough. The algorithms for image stitching are expecting a certain visual information that expects a single point perspective. That place of pushing the technology in to the UNKN0WN and UNEXP3C73D is a first step in breaking of the rules and exploring with the control of the ERR0R.
My decision is to M0V3 from the expected and map the landscapes with a constant change in the vantage point. This process of the construction of the space/place sometimes lasts even several minutes. The process of selection of the content in various planes ranging from foreground, middle and background affects the C0N57RUC710N process of stitching the image.
In a way I change my role from a passive observer of the landscape to a 5C4NNER.


PR0570R1 5JEC4NJ4 | 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY

umjetnicka galerija bosne i hercegovine
prostori sjecanja | the places of memory
PR0570R1 5JEC4NJ4 | 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY
zlatan filipovic
2L474N F1L1P0V1C

Umjetnicko/istrazivacki projekat i izlozba PR0570R1 5JEC4NJ4 | 7HE PL4CE5 0F MEM0RY autora Zlatana Filipovica, pedagoga i umjetnika iz Sarajeva donisi jedan novi opus propitivanja uloge i uticaja digitalnih tehnologija na savremeni umjetnicki izraz.
Prostor polaznih tacaka u kreiranju digitalnih panoramskih zapisa u ovoj seriji nalaze se na lokaciji Sarajeva i Sarze (Sharjah) u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.
Iako na prvi pogled panorame izgledaju sasvim realisticni prikazi pomenutih prostora odredjena doza neobicnog i drugacijeg raslojava planove ovih prostora posmatrac ubrzo pocinje da uvidja jednu novu dimenziju transformacije i popunjavanja prostora elementima koji u izvornosti poticu sa tih lokacija.

Materijalnu i staticnu dimenziju digitalnih foto radova nadopunjuje digitalni dinamicka augumentacija (AR augmented reality) komponentu rada kojij ce posjetioci moci pristupiti uz kositenje programa/aplikacije dostupne za iOS i android uredjaje. (Aurasma AR)

Digitalno nadopunjena realnost (AR) je polje koje Filipovic u svom pedagoskom i kreativnom radu vec neko vrijeme istrazuje.
U oviru izlozbe biti ce predstavljen i prototip AR monografije, projekta u razvoju a ciji je cilj kreiranje aplikacije za iOS/android uredjaje sa fokusom na predstavljanje umjetnika, galerija i institucija kulture.

Vantage Point Sharjah / Sharjah Art Foundation

VIsit to the Vantage Point Sharjah Exhibition in the G-H Gallery spaces


