DESIGN Week 11 @ AUS – Interactive Workshop with Michael FOX

Interactive Design Workshop with Michael Fox @ CAAD | AUS from zlatan filipovic on Vimeo.

College for Architecture, Art and Design at the American University of Sharjah

Design Week 2011 @ CAAD | AUS
It was a great pleasure/experience to have Michael FOX conduct workshop @ Interactive Research Lab.
Students from Design and Architecture departments participated in the workshop.

MUBI Underground Art: Chris Marker’s “PASSENGERS” Exhibit

Underground Art: Chris Marker’s “PASSENGERS” Exhibit

Cocteau used to say that at night, statues escape from museums and go walking in the streets. During my peregrinations in the Paris Metro, I sometimes made such unusual encounters. Models of famous painters were still among us, and I was lucky enough to have them sitting in front of me. —Chris Marker

Paris metro PASSENGERS